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Things Travel Bloggers could learn from Donald Trump



Image: Gage via Wiki Commons

With the US elections only days away, many people have been focused on the things Donald Trump says and tweets. Somehow, with all his trash talk, lack of substance on issues, denigration of women, racist comments, deflection on tough questions and blustery hyperbole he not only gets away with things but has fans hanging on his every word.

So, I was thinking, what if Donald Trump was a Travel Blogger? Even for just one day?


(Note: Some of you are going to accuse me of putting words in Trump’s mouth. No. 98% of the below are excerpts of things he’s actually said or tweeted that are on record and linked throughout this post. All I’ve done is combine all these – like a best of the 80’s hit mix – and add a few words to string them all together. Click on the links in his comments to see information on the source and object of his rants).

How Donald would reply to comments

Every travel blogger receives comments, some from fans, some from haters. This is how Donald would respond to some of the comments on this blog.

To the commenters calling white men “sick fucks” on my post covering young Thai prostitutes and their white, older clients.

D.T - I like them young. I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating herWhen you’re a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything. I’m a stud. The best. I don’t need Viagra. Frankly, I wouldn’t mind if there were an anti-Viagra, something with the opposite effect. I’m not bragging. I’m just lucky. I don’t need it. I’ve always said, “If you need Viagra, you’re probably with the wrong girl”. Like Rosie O’Donell. She’s disgusting inside and out. You take a look at her, she’s a slob. She’s got the face of a dog.



Image CNN 


A reply to that blogger who had objections about my post on Lisbon, so much so that she wrote a post about my post accusing me of almost everything under the sun (including  casting dispersions on Lissette’s nickname).

D.T - While you are an extremely unattractive woman, I refuse to say that because I always insist on being politically correct. Having said that, you are unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why your former husband left you for a man – he made a good decision. You’re ugly and fat like Rosie O’Donell. I’m sure when you wrote your ‘article’ you were menstruating. Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault. You’re a fraud lighweight, dumb as a rock, and a low life.



Image CNN


To those who were saddened about race relations in South Africa based on our post on Cape Town.

D.T - I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the Blacks. Even though laziness is a trait in Blacks. It really is; I believe that. It’s not anything they can control. Still, I much prefer them to the Mexicans or Chinese. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapistsBillions of dollars gets brought into Mexico through the border. We get the killers, drugs & crime, they get the money! But I get along great with Mexico. I get along great. Thousands of people have worked for me over the years from all the Latin countries. I get along great with Mexico but China should watch out. We can’t continue to allow China to rape our country. If I were elected, Oh would China be in trouble. The poor Chinese. Listen you Motherfuckers, we’re going to tax you 25%!
I am not a racist. I’m the least racist person.



Image Fusion

Image Telesurtv


Blogger Outreach

Part of being a blogger is reading and commenting on other people’s blogs – it’s part of being in the blogging community. Donald Trump would be great at that.

Typical comment he would leave on one of those travel blogs where female bloggers insist on posing in bikinis (one of my pet peeves).

Your boob job is terrible. They look like two lightbulbs coming out of your body. I can understand why you got it, a person who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. But your boob job really is terrible. Like Heidi Klum. Sadly, she’s no longer a 10.  Still, I refuse to call you a bimbo because that is not politically correct. Actually, you’re a bimbo and so average in so many ways. Not a talented personA boring person. You’re one of the dumber bloggers.



 Image CNN


The above is a spoof. I’ll get to what I think of Trump and his comments further below.

First though, what can Travel Bloggers learn from Donald Trump?

My biggest peeve about the majority of travel blogs out there is how boring they are. Many are excruciating boring. People post their photos, write about how amazing their experience was, how every minute of every day was perfect. Maybe they’ll include a photo of themselves lying on a beach, a tropical drink in hand. Sometimes the photo will be of them jumping, their heels halfway up their ass. Everything is sunshine and roses. Then they’ll put it out on social media, hashtaging their post and linking tourist boards in the hope that their post will be shared. It’s both boring and dishonest in my opinion. Do you like every place your ever been? Every restaurant you’ve ever gone to? I call them “Sunshine bloggers” and they have very little credibility in my books.

Donald Trump is never boring. He’s of the school that you can be anything except boring. You don’t have to be loud and obnoxious to be ‘not boring’. Some people have charm or humor. But, as Lissette said “If you have no charm, humor or any other redeeming factor,  then you have to go all the way and be a total fucking asshole – because then people will be curious about the latest outrageous thing you had to say and who you’ve managed to piss off”. That’s Donald Trump.

I’ve had new bloggers ask me how they “should write”. I believe people should write as they speak: honestly, with an opinion. People want honesty and a real opinion.

For all his faults, Donald Trump isn’t afraid to write as he speaks (his sentence structure is the same either way: very short sentences, very pointed, very loud). He’s honest and has an opinion.

There’s also too much Political Correctness not just in travel blogging but in life. And that’s what Donald Trump has tapped into. Have you ever even been slightly curious about what Hillary said? No. She’d make a horrible blogger because she’s incredibly boring.

So, as a travel blogger, find your voice, be honest and have an opinion. You don’t have to be an asshole like Donald Trump. Ok, maybe you can be. But, most importantly, don’t be boring. For anything – including blogging – boring is the kiss of death. These are the lessons we can all gain from Donald Trump. 





I enjoyed using Trump’s words up top in the comments section.

But I did it to make a point.

When Trump first declared his candidacy I was interested in what he had to say. Obama’s disappointed me and it’s hard to get excited about Hillary. Trump was a breath of fresh air. But as I said above, it didn’t take long for his boorish style to wear thin. Even if I could vote in the US election (I’m Canadian so I can’t) I would never vote for Donald Trump. I’m not in agreement with his policies or world views – but these are not my biggest issues with him. My problem is with him as a person. What professional person – or anybody for that matter – goes around calling people dummies, bores or clowns? Who goes around calling women bimbos or calling them fat and ugly with dog faces? Who makes fun of people with disabilities? Who on the one hand professes to be sticking up for the average hard-working American then brags about not paying income taxes?  This guy didn’t come from poverty; he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He has nothing in common with the people he works so hard to appeal to. So forget the politics for a moment and think about the man. Having him be president of the most powerful country on earth would be the ultimate proof of the social and moral decay of America. I understand why people would want to vote for someone other than Hillary. And having travelled full-time (over the last 2 ½ years now) we’ve seen unhappiness with the status quo in many countries. We get it. But Trump? I have a hard time believing that some people think that he’s presidential material and even a harder time believing that people can admire a person like him.

The point I was making with the comments up top is that if someone like Trump can say stuff like that and get elected, then anyone can say anything. There are no filters anymore, no manners, no decency. The bullies and assholes of the world win.



Image CNN


For those that think Trump is finished heading into the election. 

I get upset when major news organizations write posts like this: Presidential vote goes down the drain. Stupid article, as Trump would say. As I write this – after all the hot water Trump has been in with his comments and actions – Clinton is only ahead by 4 percentage points. That’s nothing, especially when you consider that only about 60% of people vote in US elections and that white voters (where Trump gets his support) historically vote in higher proportion to non-white voters. Trump’s fans are rabid, you know they’ll be out voting. The rest? How excited or passionate is anyone about Hillary? 2016′s been a crazy year and you just have to look at Brexit and the recent Farc peace deal in Colombia for examples of where the media got it wrong. Forget the polls and watch out for world events in the days leading up to the election. Trump might very well be the next president of the United States.


 As a voter or a blogger, feel free to give me your thoughts!

(I have no problems with different opinions but keep it clean otherwise you get deleted)



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